Palestinians are being murdered, slaughtered.. Let's put away our own small differences in our own lives and come together and pray for these people... Please in this moment, stop what you are doing and pray to Allah for help....
In the name of Allah, most gracious most merciful. Praise be to Allah,Lord of the worlds, most gracious most merciful. Owner of the day of Judgement. Thee alone we worship, thee alone we ask for help. Guide us to the straight path; the path of those who thou hast favored. Not the path of those who have earned thine anger or of those who have went astray..
Allah we come to ask for your help.. Allah I feel the pain in my heart for these people; I cry for these people.. Allah we ask you please help all in Gaza, women children and men. Please help the ones who have died and the ones who are hiding from this evil...Allah please help them...